Monday, January 25, 2010

Foster Puppies!!!!

Guess what??? Our parents finally let us get another foster dog!!! Remember when I told you the animal shelter had a sickly momma dog with 8 pups? Well, the momma's not doing so well, so the animal shelter peeps have asked people to foster some puppies (2 in each home to keep them together). We got two on Sunday (the 24th) and they were 4 weeks to the day. That means they were born on Christmas Eve!! How cute. They're really too young to be taken from their momma, but the momma cant keep nursing and taking care of 8 puppies.

Sunday, me, mom, and my friend went to the shelter and picked out two wittle puppies (both females). Their names are Brynn (the white one) and Shelli (the black one). Not the best names... but whatever. I didn't name them. Here are some pictures for you guys. BTW, they ain't that great cuz my camera really sucks, lol. but here ya go:

Until next time, my friends!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Awesome!!! Their so cute!!

All of my animals:

Valley - Quarter Horse/Arabian

Alan Bourdillon Traherne "Mississippi" - Quarter Horse

Alan Bourdillon Traherne "Mississippi" - Quarter Horse

Jesse - Border Collie Mix

Jesse - Border Collie Mix

Amy - mutt

Amy - mutt







Bella - Sugar Glider

Bella - Sugar Glider