Thursday, September 10, 2009

Stuff here, Stuff there, Things here and there

So I started German class Thursday. It's not really a class technically, because I'm the only one in class lol. Me and my older brother Luke, are taking from a really nice lady at her house. It's about a twenty minute drive, then Luke sat in the living room and did homework from other classes, while I did my first German class/lesson for an hour and a half (I was sooo tired. 9:30 is way to early for a class!!!), then i went in the living room and did schoolwork while Luke did German. I think this is Luke's third year of German... I think. We would have gone to Guitar lessons after that (That's right, Im'a startin Guitar lessong this year. not sure why i capitalized that...), but the teacher is outta town... so we start next week.

Monday, no... Tuesday me and my twin brother Adam started an English class which is at the church which is RIGHT next to our pasture, so we can walk to class and see the horses on the way! We were running late that day, so mom drove us... I sat next to my friend R (ain't gonna give her name. and no, not the one that lives in FL, lol). Our teacher is funny! One of the guys was late for class, and she made him do ten push-ups lol, but in a joking kind of way. Not punishment or mean. He was fine with it though. It's actually an English/art class. And we made collages in class! We all brought pictures, paper, glue, scissors, stickers, ect. to class and made collages :) Mine looks really cool! i love it! I want to add more to it though. I don't have any pictures of me now, printed out (lol), because they're all on the computer! So i used pictures from when I was like 9 and under, lol. Here's a picture of it:

I just got back from the Cotton Festival up at around the Court House. Here are some pictures:

Jesse with a firehat on, lol. We took both dogs up there, and Bella :)

The inside of the hood of a car. Ain't it cool?

A friend (Tad), dressed up for a play he's gonna be in next week. He looks like a villian, lol

Adam sitting on Tad's motorcycle

A croc ankle bracelet my grandma bought for me

Guys spray painting (with washable spray paint!) some kids hair, lol

A Team Jacob necklace my grandma bought for me :)

Tonight, me and my brothers are going to another Fair and going to see none other than the Boys Like Girls PLAY!!!!!!!!!! OMG I CAN'T WAIT! Them and Nickleback are my fav bands! I am so excited... I will take a bunch of pix and show y'all when i get time.
Last night, we had a game night at the church, and since it was September, me and two of my friends wore all red, white, and blue. I went a little over board, and tied a red white blue dog bone bandana on my leg, and had a red superman cape.. lol! I took a bunch of pix, and i'll post them later.
TTYL Y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time, my friends!


Rachel said...

Awesome! BTW you need to add Mississippi to your pet pics!

Misha said...

Lol your dog looks so happy in that firehat!!

All of my animals:

Valley - Quarter Horse/Arabian

Alan Bourdillon Traherne "Mississippi" - Quarter Horse

Alan Bourdillon Traherne "Mississippi" - Quarter Horse

Jesse - Border Collie Mix

Jesse - Border Collie Mix

Amy - mutt

Amy - mutt







Bella - Sugar Glider

Bella - Sugar Glider