Friday, August 21, 2009

Fillin' you all in

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.. been busy, and I've half way been avoiding posting lol. First, the most important thing that has happened recently: I made... the... bunny cage bigger! :) lol. I just added four more squares. don't know what i mean? well here's a pictcha fo ya!

see how there's like 2 squares to make each "column" (idk what word to use)? well I just added for more squares to make two more "columns". Yup. Anyways, moving on:

Today my mom and I went to a new restaurant to meet with my soon-to-be english teacher and future classmates (I already know all but two). Explanation: Me and adam are going to take an english class on tuesdays at the church starting in september, and the teacher wanted all her future students to come have lunch. It was fun.. a few of the people i hadn't seen in over two years, and the others i just haven't seen in a long while. All but 2 of us (the two girls i didn't know) used to go to a home-school co-op thing on Fridays way back when i was like in 3rd or 4th grade and then again in 5th or 6th grade. I'm in 10th grade now (i'm a year ahead) :)

And then after that, me and mom went to Wal-mart and i got this awesome shirt for $7 in Miley's clothing line. I love her clothes at Wal-mart. But minus the blue or red lepoard print skinny jeans and tights.. those are just weird.

Random picture of my bedroom door:

That is the Wolf Crossing sign I bought in Florida at the Busch Wildlife Sanctuary. here's a close up on that little piece of paper under the sign:

yup. that's my name. signed... in BLOOD. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Naw really i just had a scab that.. uh.. well anyways it had enough blood to write my name with. I've always wanted to write my name in blood.. sorry if i sound creepy and if i'm grossing you out. my bad. not my intentions. I'd love to have a big sign that said "KEEP OUT" written in blood, but that would take a lot of blood... and i am not going to cut myself on purpose, lol. I"M NOT THAT CREEPY!

Ok, so the REAL most biggest thing that happened since I haven't posted is the thing that happened the day after my last post. Well, I went to my first biology II class, and after it, my mom told me she got a call from Luke who said that Stephanie's (his girlfriend) house burnt down!!! Luckily they were perfectly fine, but they lost most of their stuff. the house was still standing, but the inside was burnt all up. So Stephanie and Allison came and stayed with us for four days while their parents stayed in a hotel that the Salvation Army payed for for about 3 days. Then they found a house that's not very good at all, but their staying in it until they find something better. When they came here, we took them to wal-mart to pick out two outfits each, and I was so jealous! I loved the clothes they got!!! Anyways.. we had a lot of fun while they were here. Steph and Al weren't really sad at all, lol. They just made jokes the whole time about it. Like, the first and only thing Steph grabbed when the fire started was my two Twilight books she were borrowing and her David Archuleta poster (she LOOOOOOOOOVES him)! lol. But she left all Luke's pictures behind and the really nice expensive picture frame he got engraved for her at Disney World, but luckily that did survive.

Oh, and when luke gave her the picture frame, she didn't have a picture of him to put in it, so she put a little drawing Allison drew of our friend Craig. (more like Luke's friend, but when steph is over Craig usually comes over too. or not usually, but sometimes. he was here a lot when steph and Al were here this time), and that is the ONLY thing in the house that was damaged at all. it had no smoke marks or anything :P
Anyways, when they went back to their temporary home, Ashley Furniture gave them ALL brand NEW furniture for absoluetly FREE! And someone annoymously dropped off enough clothes for a whole new wardrobe for Stephanie and Allison all expensive nice clothes from the mall! Isn't God great? That is so cool!!
moving on...
I'm wearing a wrist brace. Just for fun :)

Did you know the name of the person who invented toilet's was Thomas Crapper? Lol!

Mom, Luke, Adam, and I had our annual back-to-school party on August 10th. We just played games, and ate YUMMY cupcakes.
The first game we played was the board game Clue. We love that game :)
And the 2nd game we played was the board game Risk. I LOOOVE that game! I ususally win, I'm really good at it, but this time I did REALLY bad, lol and lost first. Here are a couple pictures from the "party". Oh, and I talked mom into buying that Spongebob table cloth :P it was AWESOME. I looked at the pictures and drew (not traced) four spongebob's and their REALLY good. I'll take a pic of them and put them on here later.

My risk guys all lined up (there were more, these are just some)

Luke, Adam, and mom playing risk

Adam, lol. I sat there holding the camera towards him WAITING to get this pic. It took a while, but he finally lost a country, and I snapped a pic :)

A random pic of me holding the last snake I had this summer, Jasper.

One last thing before I go, oh wait... 2nd to the last... anyways, my friend R got me obsessed with Declan Galbraith (singer from England, still love him!), then a dancer from Britian's got Talent, Aidan Davis (awesome 12 yr old dancer!), and now *drum roll* ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to the great, awesome singer, JUSTIN DREW BIEBER!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is Justin Bieber? Well, he's the new singing sensation of 2009. He's 15 years old and got discovered on Youtube for just putting a video of him when he was 12 singing in a competition. He put the video up so his friends and family who couldn't come to the competition, could see it. Then people like Justin Timberlake, Micheal Jackson (before he died), Usher, and Scott somebody (his manager now) saw his videos and really liked him. Long story short, Scott became his new manager for Justin's singing career and Usher and Justin Timberlake wanted to sign him, but Justin chose Usher, and now their together like all the time, and Usher is like Justin's mentor, as Justin said. Justin Bieber's first album My World comes out October 13th I think.. I already pre-ordered it on for only 10 bucks :) I can't wait to get it! Anways, now I'm obsessed with Justin Bieber, and i've been listening to his music like crazy!! Here are a couple pix and videos:

This is a pic of him hanging by my door in my room above my light switch :P

Justin and Usher at KCA 2009

Here is the music video to his hit single "One Time". Usher is in it, and at the beginning of the video, it shows Justin playing video games with this real life best friend:

Here is him singing "Lonely Girl" live at a radio place

Tell me if ya like him or not :) He self-taught himself how to play the guitar, piano, trumpet, drums, and congos, and he skateboards, and he used to play hockey before he became a singer, and he can dance. man, this is a talented 15-year old! By the way, he's from Canada, but moved down to Atlanta when his career started.
Tomorrow from 9-3 the animal shelter is having a big event that I'm going to volunteer at. There is going to be a lot of different vehicles there like firetrucks, police cars, motorcycles, maybe old cars, maybe army vehicles, ect.. that you can get into and touch and stuff, and there's going to be food and drinks and the dogs, and it'll be lots of fun :) I'm taking my camera (which, by the way i forgot to say that I found!!!!!!!!) and i'll take lots of pics to show y'all!
Until then, I'm gonna go. so bye! Oh, and I posted a few times on my Valley blog and picture blog, please check those out and comment: Thanks y'all!

And as Justin would say, Payce!!


Jana said...

I knew about all of this but.. WOW!!!!!! LOL!!! Thomas Crapper!! lOL!! you said that cuz when we were talking I told you that hahaha!!

Justin is SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! and an AWESOME singer!! I One Time!!!

Sarah said...

yeah lol. i got it from you :)

lol YES HE IS!!!!! (on both of those)

I can not wait till i get his CD!!

All of my animals:

Valley - Quarter Horse/Arabian

Alan Bourdillon Traherne "Mississippi" - Quarter Horse

Alan Bourdillon Traherne "Mississippi" - Quarter Horse

Jesse - Border Collie Mix

Jesse - Border Collie Mix

Amy - mutt

Amy - mutt







Bella - Sugar Glider

Bella - Sugar Glider